Our Doctrine

Our Doctrine

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

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The Basics Of Our Core Beliefs

1.    There is one God only

2.    God has chosen to to be revealed to humanity as God the father, God the son (Jesus Chris) and God the Honly Spirit, the Three in One.  

3.    God created all there is, was or ever will be. 

4.    God is Holy; the only perfect holy being. 

5.    Sin is rebellion against God and God's righteous ways, in all the forms that such rebellion (disobedience) exists in our world.

6.    Humanity was created in the image of God

7.    God by grace initiates the act od redemption for each of us; it is not something we can do by ourselve, for no matter how 'good' we may be, not one of us will ever be perfect, sinless. We can be redeemed.

8.    The Bible is the final, authoritative Word of God.

9.    We observe the sacraments of Baptism nd Holy Communion as a means for thosewho believe to express their faith and grow in Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit.

10.  All believers are equal.


1. The Sacrament of Holy Communion

2. The Sacrament of Baptism - this is done by way of emersion and sprinkling

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