Women's Fellowship

They play a key role in the beautification and physical appearance of the church which is one of the pillars in developing the aesthetics within the kingdom. Their feminine voices not only promote the gospel but are a catalyst for engaging other women and young adults in being an excellent steward.They take a special interest in visitation, and contributing gifts to places such as: The Children's Home, the Good Samaritan Hospice, the Women's Centre, and the St. James Infirmary.

Men's Fellowship

Men are able to develop in their walk with Christ, lead and disciple other men. Encouragement and support are provided for men to have a place of refuge from daily concerns. It is a vibrant ministry which support the church and community by engaging other men for Christ.

Young Adults

Is known as the Young Adults Action Movement (YAAM).The purpose of this movement: - To provide a climate for spiritual guidance and motivation within a fellowship and at the same time recognize and develop talents, which could be used effectively within the church. The vision; the introduction of new and revolutionary forms of worship, social outreach, person/group evangelism, the organization of group discussions and talks on topics, which are relevant and important to young adults. The Aim; to win young adults for Christ, to analyze principles of Christian faith and ascertain their implication for contemporary events and situation, to facilitate growth in the knowledge of Christian principles and to facilitate the interaction of young adults and integrate them into the life of the Church so that their special gifts and abilities maybe made available for the cause of Christ. Participation in regional events such as prayer breakfast and national synodical events eg singles/couples retreats, Young Adult Conference and the Youth's Sports day are some of the activities being done.

Children and Youth

The church is committed to the spiritual, physical, social and educational growth of its children and youth. This goal is achieved through the following, but not limited to: The children's engagement in and execution of the worship services every fourth Sundays, Evangelism training, participation in regional and national synodical events, leadership training and summer camps.

Girls Brigade

St. Paul's United Church has been the home for our Girls' Brigade Company and due to this the girls have benefitted from the tremendous contributions the Church has made. The girls are instilled with sound Christian principles from age five, which has helped them to develop good morals, values and leadership skills through the use of several resource personnel. The Motto : Seek, Serve and Follow Christ. God has been blessing the movement as it has been a positive influence on our girls. They participate in annual events such as Pantomine, retreats and rally. During Girls Brigade month the girls help to execute the worship service and they are attired in their respective uniforms

Communication and Technology

Is utilized by the church to promote the gospel locally, regionally and internationally. It is a dedicated network that is reaching people to transform and restore lives. Millions of people worldwide and locally long to hear the hope that the gospel brings and so St. Paul's is happy to respond to their call through its website, social media and outreach platforms. We are thankful that you have allowed us to come into your homes to share the wonderful News. Please connect with us by 'Liking and Sharing' on Facebook. Your effort will help us to reach the loss, provide comfort and encouragement to a brother, sister, mother, father, a relative, friend and the community.

Evangelism & Discipleship

To extend care, comfort and share with those outside the bounds and walls of our church, to seek the lost. Weekly ministry is conducted to facilitate spiritual development and growth. These holistic initiatives cultivate new and lasting relationships in the community

Fellowship & Hospitality

Visitors and church members receive warm welcome at every church service. Ongoing hospitality training is conducted to ensure that the hospitality committee is efficient to make worshippers feel welcome and have that desire to return. Fellowship is encouraged through several activities: family get together, games night, talent show, mother's day, father's day and Christmas parties. The experience is enhanced when visitors are greeted upon arrival, during service and after service. Refreshment is served second and fifth Sundays.


Ongoing maintenance is done on the Church property. This is done to ensure that the premises feel and look inviting for members and visitors, which enhances the worship service experience.

Social Outreach

To assist members who wish to be engaged in the establishment of small self help economic projects. Benevolent Assistance - To help improve the physical circumstances of needy members; By offering regular care and support through the 'Food Shelf Programme.' This programme also offers 'special treats' at Easter, Christmas and during visits to the sick and shut-in members. Medical Outreach Clinic- To provide medical assistance to persons who are in need of medical treatment. We are feeding the hungry and caring for the sick as we are commissioned to do.


The Church has a rich bank of gifted talents. The profiles and skills of church members are recorded to be utilized by the church to promote a vibrant and dynamic service.


At St. Paul's United Church the Celebration of Holy Communion is done every first Sunday and other Special Services. Selected members take care in palatable preparation, and the serving is done by elders only. The worship ministry also helps with decorating the Sanctuary for a pleasant appearance. The Worship Enrichment - Praise team leads praise in worship on Sundays and on other occasions eg our street ministry, and the Choir melodiously minister to us with the sound of music in a heavenly soul stirring way causing the audience wanting more. The Choir takes annual retreats which is a haven for bringing newness and life for the church. It is a pledge to continue to enhance the witness of our Church and so honour our Lord and Saviour.